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Benin Overland Travel
The information below concerning Benin is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance. Overland Travel Enter The Republic of Benin by Land
The republic of Benin contains a myriad of incredible highlights and more than punches above its weight! Benin is probably most famous for the traditional Vodun (Voodoo) culture, which is widely practiced across the country - in the tiny coastal village of Grand Popo we often are lucky enough to witness an energetic and magical Vodun celebration, where the whole village comes out to the sounds of drumming and singing.
Visiting Benin
Benin, famous for it's Voodoo culture is a fantastic country to visit. Pendjari National Park in the North is one of the last places to view Elephants and lions in West Africa.
Entering Benin with a Car or Motorbike
With the exception of the road linking Cotonou in the south to Malanville on the border with Niger in the north, roads in Benin are generally in poor condition and are often impassable during the rainy season. Benin's unpaved roads vary widely in quality; deep sand and potholes are common. During the rainy season from mid-June to mid-September, dirt roads often become impassable. Four-wheel drive vehicles with full spare tires and emergency equipment are recommended.
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